Beyond Advertising

We’re all about turning brands into their customer’s favourite storytellers. Our mission is to create iconic entertainment that inspires action – content your audiences seek out.

We make branded entertainment. So, don’t just be noticed, be remembered.

What do we mean when we say, ‘branded entertainment’ or ‘brand storytelling’? It’s content that your customers love. Values-based, story-driven marketing that doesn’t focus on what your company does, but rather doubles down on showing what you stand for.

This brand storytelling philosophy sits in opposition to the traditional ad formula that interrupts entertainment to sell their story (while their ‘target audience’ furiously clicks the skip ad button). Dear Storyteller creates the entertainment they seek out.

The result? Audiences don’t immediately realise they’re watching advertising. Rather, they feel something, they engage, they see themselves in the brand’s story, and they develop an unconscious bias in favour of the brand. They’re now invested in the piece of digital storytelling.

Check out more about our work and how we play to create.

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